Funny Cats And Dogs With Sayings Definition
Source( Life Quotes Cats and Dogs
Since we love bizarre facts, weird but true facts, and interesting animal facts we thought we would find out where the weird expression 'It's raining cats and dogs' comes from.
We can almost imagine the sound effects of a heavy rain fall ... Drip, drip! DRIP, DRIP! Splash! Meow! Woof?
Turns out, though, that nobody really knows where that particular saying comes from. There are lots of interesting attempts at explaining it, but the most likely explanation is rather prosaic and nasty, because it has to do with dead animals being washed away in gutters. But, since nobody knows for sure any guess is (almost) as good as any other.
Here at we much prefer the more imaginative guesses, such as packs of dogs and cats (packs of cats?) crawling around on thatched roofs, slipping when it rains and falling down on surprised peasants ... or (really) freak weather lifting herds of cats (herds of cats?) and dogs into the sky and raining them down again on highly surprised gentry. This funny cat page came about after the funny dog page. I thought that I better let cat lovers have a laugh as well.
I came across some funny cat definitions one day but didn't know exactly how to present them for your enjoyment. Should I make a cartoon out of each definition or just list them on a page?
I initially thought that I would do individual comics but quickly realized that it would take hours to construct them, so I've comprimised (sort of).
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