Friday 2 August 2013

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids Definition

Why did the turkey cross the road? Answer: To prove he wasn't chicken.
Why did the boy throw the clock out the window? Answer: He wanted to see time fly.
What did the cookie say to the watermelon? Answer: Nothing, cookies can't talk.
(Bernadette M. on February 13, 2011)

Why was tigger looking down the toilet??
A: Because he was trying to find Pooh!! Ha ha, i love that joke!!
(submitted by Katy Hogden of Hull University)

Why did the chicken cross the road?
He had to report to work at KFC. :)
(submitted by Gordon Antone of Standing Stone School)

What do you call a cow that just gave birth to a calf?
(submitted by Stephen Bene)

A Passover Joke:
A Rabbi From Spain, Just Before Passover, Alarmingly Telephones A Rabbi From Isreal, To Notify Him Of A Shortage Of Chrain (Horseradish).  The Rabbi From Isreal Resassures Him Not To Worry, He Will Send The Needed Chrain To Spain.  When The Rabbi From Spain Does Not Receive His Chrain, He Telephones The Rabbi In Isreal.  The Rabbi From Isreal Says I Am Sorry To Inform You, We Have A Major Air Plane Strike In Isreal.  Unfortunately At This Time, “THE CHRAIN FOR SPAIN IS MAINLY ON THE PLANE.”
(Submitted by Arnie Idelson on 4-2-09)

What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh (get it, no I's)
(submitted by Samantha on October 30, 2009)

A man in his 90's, for a Special Birthday Gift from his Grandsons, is sent a Stripper to his home to entertain him.  After she rings the bell of his home, she informs him that his grandsons sent her as a special birthday gift, to provide her services.  The grandfather asks her, " What do you do?"  She said ,"I can provide you "Sup-er Sex".  “He says, “Look, I'm 98 years old, I'll take the Soup!"
(Submitted by Arnie Idelson CTRS, LCAT, CPRP on 8-2-08)

What is the first letter of the word Yellow?
What is the first letter of the word Yellow?
(DW of Veranda on March 22, 2006)

What did God say to the man on the moon?
Kneel Armstrong! (a.k.a. ""Neil Armstrong!)
(Submitted by Marisa Jordan of Royal Ottawa Hospital)

What did the mother buffalo say to her child as he left for school?...Bison!

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

Jokes For Kids

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